
About Joanne - Sacred Scribes

Joanne Walmsley  -  Sacred Scribes

Intuitive Writer & Lightworker

Information    Inspiration    Enlightenment    Empowerment

As of February 2014, I have retired from my consultation work (readings etc) so that I am able to focus my time and attention to my written work as well as my ongoing work with plants and animals.

For pretty much as far back as I can remember it seems, I have written and published articles both offline and online on my own blogs and websites, as well as on others that resonate with me, and have published under various names (many anonymous and non-traceable, particularly when 'ghost writing' for others), but most predominantly Joanne, Joanna, Joanne Hargrave and Joanne Walmsley.

Since moving to our farm over a decade ago, I have concentrated on my written work and have been given the time, space, peace, solitude, energy and motivation to work on and write the books and articles I have been directed by spirit to write and publish. All of my psychic/spiritual work is done from my farm where I am able to sit outside with my animals, down by our creek, under a tree, in my office or from my front verandah. I don’t live by the clock but work when the feeling hits rather than within a time frame.

On our farm in the wilds of the Victorian High Country in Australia, we live a self-sufficient lifestyle, growing our own fruit, vegetables and herbs and taking our water from pristine springs and a snow-water creek on our property. All of our produce is totally pesticide and chemical free.
We also have an array of very well-loved animals who share our farm with us, including 2 horses, a princess parrots, a galah, a cockatoo, assorted fish, a gaggle of assorted ducks, two dogs, a pet goat .... (hoping I haven't forgotten anyone ..) We also breed rare breed poultry and Australian Black-Faced Dorpers. My animals each in turn teach me about Animal Communication and Healing on a daily basis.

I am grateful that I am able to live and work in a place that I love, doing the work that I love. Not only that, but from within myself, through the altruistic service I give to others, I know that I am serving my soul-purpose and living out my life-mission - which is to make a positive difference to the world in my own little way. I do not do 'publicity' of any kind and have no interest in fame nor fortune. Money is not my motivator. I do not do interviews, 'meet and greets' or any kind of self-promotion. The work I do, write and post is available 24/7 to anyone who is interested or intuitively drawn to my various pages. It is not about Me, therefore I am not interested in the blah-blah (so please don't ask).

I am a Lightworker and live my life with passion, purpose and gratitude. I live a happy and fulfilled life and am very well blessed by the Universe. I love the work I do and wouldn't trade it for anything! 

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes 
Victoria   Australia   


* Diploma in Business Studies

* Horticulture III Certificate

* Certificate in Basic Tarot

* Certificate in Advanced Tarot

* Certificate for 'Heal Your Life' courses and workshops

* Certificate for The Life Essentials

* Certificate for Tea and Coffee Cup Reading and Symbology

* Certificate for Chakra Balancing and Spiritual Healing

* Certificate in Numerology

* Certificate in Horstmann Technique 1

* Certificate in Horstmann Technique 2

* Certificate in Horstmann Technique 3

* Certificate in Bio Chemic Cell Salts

* Certificate of Attaining the Status of Reiki Master

* Certificate in Star Signs (Basic Astrology)

* Certificate of Aromatherapy

* Certificate in Hand and Foot Massage (Reflexology)

* Certificate in Spirit Guides, Angels and Masters

* Certificate in Bach Flower Theory and Remedies

* Certificate in Psychic Development

* Certificate in Colour and Sound Healing

* Certificate in Crystal and Gemstone Healing

* Certificate in Vibrational Healing

Joanne Walmsley


  1. i thank you with all my heart. your angel numbers have been a blessing and a true guidance for my life. i send you many spiritual blessings for you and your loved ones. {i write from a little island at the other side of the world} namaste.

  2. Thank you Eliza ... and blessings to you and yours in return.


  3. Thank you sincerely Joanne...your work has been a very important guide in my journey of the past few years since discovering Angel Numbers and seeking the wisdom in them. I am truly grateful for the insight you have helped me find. Blessings, Julia

  4. Hi Joanne,
    From where have you done all these certifications?
    I’d like to do a few myself

  5. A profound gratitude for all you share with us here, thank you Joanne! Much love from Montréal. XO

  6. Why do all the numbers I get from everywhere take me back to Joanna sacred scribes? Even the exact number 24.613,57 was posted by another individual on the site February 11th 2018 that I received from a medium.

  7. Thank you so much Joanne I have just been awakened and you are a blessing to me and my entire life.

    Long live dearest 🌷❤️ much love

  8. Hi Joanne, I have been using your angel numbers blog site for several years now in reference to interpreting the number sequences I've been receiving since 2010..the first few years I fumbled about searching site to site not feeling right about the source, but then found your amazing body of work..
    and to this day still use it at least a dozen times a day..I am also a lightworker and have a strong connection to the angelic realm thanks to soul purpose is to wake up and live a life of example, my mission is to plant seeds, public speaking..just patiently waiting for opportunities to taking the time to say thank you..

  9. I just have a curious question I'm always Googling numerology because of things that I'm currently going through how did you figure out about your gift and I noticed you said its Spirit lead What Spirit? I'm very curious and I do appreciate the things that you do but I just have some questions

    1. Spirit is all around us. We are all connected by the God-source and belong to it. The other side is vast and complex. When prompted, you will see things you did not notice before. As you are seeking answers, you are being guided. Your spirit is never separate from any others(although we are individual soul beings). When in doubt, ask the angels of course. You will always be turned in the right direction. I am sorry I am not Joanne! But I felt the need to assist. Good luck to you and I pray you find the answers you seek. As to whether you would know if you have "abilities", it will be very subtle at first. Perhaps you "knew" that lightbulb would burn out seconds before it happened. Or frequent deja vu. It begins small but will grow as you do. I hope this helps in some way.

  10. I'm truly blessed and grateful to have found your platform of endless wisdom,healing,love,peace and Light.🧘‍♀️♥️🎈 I am grateful to have connected with you Joanne, my Earth Angel. I love you with all my heart. ♥️🙏 I'm grateful and blessed to be surrounded by my Angels, Spirits and Masters.🙏
    You are one of a kind,Joanne.♥️🎈
    Sending much Love, peace and Light to you and your family.♥️

  11. Thank you, Joanne so much for your insightful assistance. I had a strong guidance dream which revealed an angel number to me. And I found your page by googling my number, from the dream. Beautifully aligned with my soul’s journey right at the present time. Many blessings to you, your animals, farm and family.

  12. You're amazing; Thank you so much Joanne.

  13. How can I contact you? I'm a fellow lightworker and I feel it is extremely important that we maintain contact and communicate with one another. My name's Matthew Campbell and my apologies if I alarm you in any way. I come to you with the deepest gratitudes for all the angels that pointed me in your direction. I'm in love with the universe and all things that are luge. I wish only happiness for the entire universe and all the things that God made. I resonate happiness, love, peace, harmony, justice and I have no ego. I'm selfless and I want to know you

  14. Hello Joanna,
    Thank you so much for your guidance through the years. I would like to contribute to your efforts in appreciation for what you have given me. Can you tell me how to do that?
    Love, Caryl

    1. Thank you for your lovely sentiments Caryl.
      for further information.

      Love and Light,

    2. or:


  15. Hi Joanne, like many before me I searched long and hard for confirmation of what my guides were telling me through the numbers they kept bringing my attention too. You're were the only interpretation that resonated for me. I thank you for your lifes work for it is helping me continue on in my lifes work. May blessings continue through you for a long time yet to come.

  16. Thank you for your lifes work which has helped me continue with my lifes work while going through some trying times, where doubt crept in. My guides would draw my attention to numbers to assist them giving me messages when my faith in understanding them would be low & your numbers interpretation would lift me up again so I could keep going. May you continue receiving many blessings for the light work you do. Like many others I wish we could meet (physically) in this lifetime but I am not sure why. Perhaps as my guides are always saying, what is meant to be will be. Love, truth & light always.

  17. Peace. Beautiful. Thank You. Thank you.

  18. Thank you Joanne, I'm also aligned to my life mission and as it comes to fruition, the angel numbers I very very regularly receive are great motivator to me as a special message of motivation from 'the chaps upstairs. Thank you again.

  19. Hello Joanne! I cannot express enough my gratitude for you and your work. You continue to bless so many people, including myself. I have found out that I am gifted so to speak, and I have been using this page every single day since. I first discovered this page upon seeing 333 repeatedly. I am constantly sharing your page with others as I trust your descriptions with a full heart, knowing you live in truth. You are a blessing. And will continue to be in the here after I am sure! If that happens, I would love to meet and greet you then! My abilities are developing so quickly with the guidance from the angels through your work on here. I apologise that this is long and drawn out, but I TRULY truly know how amazing your soul is. As an 11, my job is made tremendously easier knowing what my daily duties are by a simple click. My numbers have been very powerful and changing into new sequences so often! Perhaps you can even sense this😉. I know you are very busy all of the time, so if I ever get the chance to hear from you, it would be amazing to me. With love and light, I thank you from the bottom of my heart centre. Continue to be well!

  20. Dear Joanne, Just wanted to tell you that I often use your sacred schribes of angel number. I find them uplifting and very exact. Thank you so much for the Great work you are doing. I am happy to read about your good life with blessings all around you. Makes sense that you are living your life purpose on all levels. Your energy is always clear and uplifting. 💞I myself live on the countryside in Norway. I grow vegs and flowers and i Just love my gardenlife. Thanks again for you being you💞🦋💞

  21. Thank you very much for your page sacred numbers. this has been my guide for many years, in happy and difficult moments as well. Your genuine work as a lightworker has inspired my own work, helping me to navigate each event of life in gratitude and harmony. Infinite blessings to you and your family, from my grateful heart!!

  22. Thank you very much for your page sacred numbers. this has been my guide for many years, in happy and difficult moments as well. Your genuine work as a lightworker has inspired my own work, helping me navigate each event of life in gratitude and harmony. Infinite blessings to you and your family, from my grateful heart!!

  23. Dear Joanne, thank you for your work and following your heart. Your angel numbers continue to be such a wonderful resource. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Some days, you are the only one making any sense. Blessings to you and yours!

  24. Dear Joanne,. I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your angel numbers have been an amazing resource for me. Some days, you are the only one making any sense! Thank you for following your heart and your life's work.You are a blessing to all of us! :)

  25. Thank you Joanne, my spirit always tell me to go find you and your sacredscribes website whenever I saw a repeating number from my guardian angel. I love you, your sacred works keep us moving forward as lightworkers. Cheers and Grateful !!!

  26. Thank you so much for this work Joann! I have been studying and using this tool you created and channeled for over a decade. Your life sounds like a dream come true. Your souls work has helped so many including myself. Much love to you.

  27. Truly grateful for your soul work. Many blessings my dear, from one Lightworker to another. Cheers from the States.

  28. Yes I keep having dreams about the universe and catastrophic events unlike anything we could imagine. Imagine planets falling from the sky. Then there were also symbols blinking in the sky. Then I woke up surrounded by people in white robes and they were holding hands we were on a platform. The feeling was fear even though they were wearing whit which is odd. They were chanting something. Then in the center s old man appeared and he held up a scroll. The scroll was blank until the letters 3663 636 were burned into it.
    Wouldn't let me log in for some reason
